Our Board members are selected for their extensive experience, training, and expertise in managing financial investments. They bring a diverse mix of complementary skills to the table.
Appointment process
Board members are appointed by the Governor-General based on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance. This recommendation follows nominations from an independent committee established by the Minister. The Minister consults with representatives from other political parties in Parliament before making a recommendation to the Governor-General.
Board composition
Size: The Board consists of at least five, but no more than seven, members.
Term: Each member serves a term of up to five years and can be reappointed.
Governance and oversight
The Guardians’ governing legislation, the Board Charter (including the Board Code of Conduct) and Delegations Policy outline the roles and responsibilities of the Board, its members and management. While day-to-day operations are managed by the Chief Executive, the Board has overall responsibility for the Guardians’ affairs and certain key decisions are reserved for the Board.
The Board regularly reviews its delegations and governance priorities. Board members meet with global peer funds and investment managers and attend international peer forums to stay updated on best practices.
The Board has two standing committees:
Audit & Risk
People & Culture
Additional committees may be formed as needed to manage conflicts or other specific purposes.
Board Members: $49,000 per year
Chairperson: $98,000 per year
Committee Chairs: $53,900 per year
John Williamson
LLM, LLB, BA Chair of the Guardians Board -
Fiona Oliver
Sue Brake
MA, BA, BSc -
Henk Berkman
PhD, MCom -
Hinerangi Raumati Tu’ua
David McClatchy