Climate change
As a global investor with a long-term perspective, we recognise that climate change is a long-term systemic risk to markets and one of the most significant investment challenges we face. The response to climate change and necessity for a transition to a low-carbon economy also presents investment opportunities.
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Visual: Anne-Maree O'Connor, Head of Responsible Investment Audio: Climate change has been a key focus for us for many years. We’ve always approached climate change from an investment perspective – seeking to understand and mitigate the risks it presents, and to identify the investment opportunities it is creating. On both counts, climate change is one of the most significant intergenerational risks and opportunities that we face as a global investor. Because of this we aim to lower the Fund’s exposure to investments that are most at risk from the transition to a low-carbon world and increase our exposure to investments that will contribute to this transition. We do this through our climate change strategy, which has four core elements:
Audio: Having successfully applied this strategy over a number of years, we are confident that we can have a positive impact on climate outcomes whilst benefiting the portfolio’s investment returns. We have recently signed on to the Paris Aligned Investment Initiative’s Net Zero Asset Owners Commitment. To play our part in delivering the net zero transition, we will:
Audio: While there is much more to do, and our focus on climate change will continue for decades, we have already made significant carbon cuts in portfolio emissions, and the Fund no longer has a material exposure to fossil fuel reserves. Compared to the market average, our fund is low carbon, well on track to achieving our goal of being net zero by 2050 – and continues to achieve excellent financial returns. Visual: Logo of NZ Super Fund, Te Kaitiaki Tahua Penihana Kaumātua o Aotearoa |
Climate change presents material risks and opportunities for investors, including:
Technology: Advances in technology to support a low-carbon environment can create new investment opportunities and disrupt existing industries.
Resource availability: Slow onset shifts in the everyday environment can result in increased costs or reduced availability of land or natural resources, impacting industries and economies.
Impact of physical damage: Extreme weather events and rising sea levels can damage investment assets and infrastructure, and significantly impact insurability and financing.
Policy: Increased costs and complexity for business from changing policies and regulations designed to limit long-term effects of Climate Change and to encourage sustainable business operations.
Demand and supply: Changes in economic or social factors might affect demand or supply.
Litigation: The impacts that could arise if parties seek compensation for the cost or impact of climate change.
The effects of climate change vary across different sectors, regions, and types of investments. Some impacts are already evident, and we expect these to grow over time. By understanding and addressing these risks and opportunities, we aim to protect and enhance the value of our investments.
Our Climate Change Investment Strategy, which is integrated into our wider sustainable investment approach, is built on four key pillars:
Climate targets
Every five-years the Board sets the Fund’s carbon emissions reduction targets and methods. We report against these in our annual Climate Change Report.
Our 2025 emissions reductions targets, measured against the Fund’s unadjusted Reference Portfolio, are to:
- reduce the carbon emissions intensity of the Fund by at least 40%
- reduce potential emissions from fossil fuel reserves owned by the Fund by at least 80%
Progress against our carbon emissions reduction targets
As at 30 June 2024, the Fund’s total carbon emissions intensity was 64.4% lower than our baseline level, and its exposure to potential emissions from reserves was 98.2% lower.
To learn more about our Carbon emissions reduction targets, and how we measure our progress, please see our latest Climate Change Report.
2024 Climate Change Report
2024 Carbon Footprint
Engagement in New Zealand
We collaborate with other government-owned investors to engage with New Zealand companies on climate change. Our joint position statement on climate change guides our direct engagement with large New Zealand companies, particularly those listed on the NZX50.
The collaboration includes the Accident Compensation Corporation, Government Superannuation Fund Authority, National Provident Fund Authority, and the NZ Super Fund. All four funds are committed to achieving net zero portfolios by 2050, reflecting best practices for leading institutional investors.
A mandatory climate-related disclosure regime is in place for around 170 financial market participants in New Zealand, including large, listed New Zealand companies and financial institutions. Our engagements with New Zealand companies aim to:
Understand their progress on climate change awareness, capability, and commitments.
Ensure they meet regulatory requirements on climate-related disclosures and reporting.
Support their transition by sharing knowledge of climate change risks and opportunities.
Understand how their plans align with our net zero commitments over time.
We report publicly on the number of engagements and overall progress in our Stewardship Report, while individual engagements remain confidential.
Global Engagement
Our global engagements on climate change are conducted through international collaborations with other investors and a specialist engagement service for global equities. This approach allows us to reach a wider audience and leverage the collective influence of large international investors.
Climate change is also a key focus for our engagement services provider, Columbia Threadneedle Investment. Their Responsible Engagement Overlay (reo®) service engages with hundreds of companies on our behalf. Climate change is a high priority area for engagement. Read the latest CTI Engagement Reports. CTI reo® continues to play an active role in CA100+.
We exercise our voting rights in listed equities globally and in New Zealand. Our voting guidelines support proposals for companies to manage climate risks and report on emissions.